all-terrian power pack performer, mainly used during the oppressive environment training in Brunei Jungle…keeping the Gurkhas and their spirit alive…
What is Lahure? Lahure 是什么?
Gurkha Army Soldier back home in Nepal are locally called ‘Lahure’ or ‘Laure’ rather than calling them ‘Army’ or ‘Soldier’, likewise called ‘veteran ‘ or ‘serviceman’ in the west. But the history of the word lies more backdated connected to Lahore city, where people used to go for better earnings.
How ‘Lahure’ Khukuri evovlved?
After completing the 9-10 months of training in Catterick, UK, depending on their skill, performance, education, and other personal qualities, the Commander selects them for a particular unit of 1RGR and 2RGR. Furthermore, they are chosen to undergo jungle training in the dense forest of Brunei. Before departing for this oppressive environment training in Borneo Jungle, boys come back home. During this period they visit KHHI to buy a stronger and better khukuri for this jungle training. They know well that the official issue is not strong enough to withstand the harsh wild jungle conditions, also they don’t want to damage and lose the official version, hence they opt for new khukuri for rough use. This is where the ‘Lahure’ khukuri comes into existence.
在英国卡特里克完成 9 到 10 个月的训练后,指挥官会根据他们的技能、表现、教育和其他个人素质,选择他们加入 1RGR 和 2RGR 的特定单位。此外,他们还会被选中在文莱的密林中进行丛林训练。在前往这个恶劣环境的婆罗洲丛林训练之前,男孩们会回家。在此期间,他们会去 KHHI 购买更强大、更好的廓尔喀弯刀,以便进行这次丛林训练。他们深知,官方发放的刀具无法承受恶劣的丛林条件,而且他们也不想损坏或丢失官方版本,因此选择新的廓尔喀弯刀以便于粗糙使用。这就是“拉胡雷”廓尔喀弯刀的由来。
Each year when Gurkha boys visit us, everyone has their custom requirements mostly on the size, finishing, and sheath. Mostly they want raw and strong blade, and undamageable sheath, matching the jungle look. Understanding their requirement we at Khukuri House decided to make and release this new model. We believe that this khukuri will solve the problem of finding the right one and will be an easy pick, keeping the Gurkhas’ spirit alive.
Blade & Sheath explained 刀片与鞘的说明
The blade is made similar to the ‘Singapore Jungle’ version with Chitlange blade profile, raw black finishing but maintaining the standard shape and size of the official issue.
刀片的设计类似于“新加坡丛林”版本,采用 Chitlange 刀片轮廓,表面为原始黑色处理,同时保持官方发放的标准形状和尺寸。
Green micarta is used as a handle material, to match the jungle conditions and keep it undamaged in any weather conditions, where horn and wood cannot provide this flexibility.
Again, the sheath is made from an unbreakable and durable Green Kydex sheet to survive rough jungle conditions. The sheath is further wrapped with 2mtrs of paracord to add both beauty and functionality to the overall khukuri and its purpose.
再次,刀鞘由一种坚固耐用的绿色 Kydex 材料制成,能够适应恶劣的丛林环境。刀鞘还用 2 米长的伞绳包裹,既美观又实用,增强了整体 khukuri 的功能性。
Where it is used? 这在哪里使用?
During infantry training in the jungle of Brunei where you can hardly move 100mtr in 30 mins, guess how tough you and your weapon need to be..this is where ‘Lahure’ Khukuri comes into action to hack the way of the Gurkhas and safely complete their mission.
在文莱的丛林中进行步兵训练时,你几乎无法在 30 分钟内走完 100 米,想象一下你和你的武器需要多么坚韧……这就是“拉胡雷”廓尔喀弯刀发挥作用的时刻,帮助古尔卡人开辟道路,安全完成他们的任务。
We also would like to wish you all the best and safe training. WE SALUTE YOU ALL !!