An iconic kukri owned by the king himself and believed to have been used by the great man in various campaigns held for unified Nepal.. Collect it, Carry it, Conquer it!
据说,这把廓尔喀弯刀是国王本人的标志性武器,曾在尼泊尔统一战争中由这位伟人使用过。 收藏它, 带着它, 去征服吧!
King Prithivi Kukri (UNIFIER); a royal edge from Gorkha that forged a great kingdom, NEPAL
the rise of a kingdom, the glory of an army and honor of a weapon.. a symbol of unity
这也许是我们做过最令人惊叹和最精美的廓尔喀弯刀。将如此精美的作品纳入我们的产品系列是莫大的荣誉和自豪。普里特维国王廓尔喀弯刀是对这位传奇国王的致敬,他将尼泊尔统一为一个王国,奠定了现代尼泊尔乃至更广阔地区的基石,并纪念了这位赋予我们身份和尊严,让我们过上自由和体面生活的伟人。这是国家博物馆展出的伟人原始廓尔喀弯刀的精确复制品。我们对弯刀进行了全面研究,从各个角度进行了制作,现已向公众出售。 这把标志性的廓尔喀弯刀来自尼泊尔辉煌的时代,由国王本人所有,据信其主人在为统一尼泊尔而进行的各种战役中都使用过它。这把弯刀是一件精致而珍贵的历史文物,不仅能增添美观和满足感,还能唤起爱国主义和钦佩之情。这位著名的国王及其丰功伟绩、令人惊叹的形象以及他留给我们的这把弯刀,至今仍流传于世,激励着我们。
Khukuri:: 廓尔喀弯刀::
The most respected khukuri carried by KHHI Nepal due to its historical background and dedicated to the legendary king of the kings form the house of Gorkha who created the modern Nepal. Besides begin a fantastic collectible item it is a knife with formidable power and deadly consequences. The kukri knife is exceptionally well built, 100% handmade hand forged by our master craftsmen that is made for ultimate use and optimum satisfaction. Collect it, Carry it, Conquer it.
廓尔喀弯刀是廓尔喀人最尊敬的弯刀,因为它具有历史背景,并且是为了纪念廓尔喀王朝建立现代尼泊尔的传奇国王。除了成为一件很棒的收藏品之外,它还是一把威力强大、后果致命的刀。廓尔喀弯刀的制作非常精良,由我们的工匠 100% 手工打造,可实现最终的使用和最佳的满意度。收藏它,展示它,征服它。
Blade size: 15 inches almost, robustly built, unpolished (matt)
刀片尺寸约为 15 英寸,坚固耐用,未经抛光(哑光)。
Handle size: 4.5 inches almost (wood portion only) in Stick Tang version, unpolished, Iron bolster with lip
手柄尺寸:4.5 英寸(仅木质部分) 木柄版本,未经抛光,带唇边的铁护手
Blade Thickness: 11-12 mm approx. with distal taper
刀片厚度约为 11-12 毫米,末端逐渐变细。
Weight: 850 gms approx. (Blade+Handle)
重量:约 850 克(刀身+刀柄)
Sheath: Traditional Black leather sheath with Frog (Belt Loop)
Origin: KHHI nepal, Kathmandu, Nepal (released on 30th JAN 2017)
来源:KHHI 尼泊尔,位于尼泊尔加德满都,于 2017 年 1 月 30 日发布。
UPDATE:: You can also buy the EXACT REPRO version same as the museum (see photo) piece at the same price. Also, the modern version of “King Prithivi” with full tang and vertical guard (see photo) is available. Choose these versions from the ‘blade size’ options above.
The KING himself 国王本人(敬语)
Great king Prithivi Narayan Shah, King of Gorkha (1723 – 1775) was the first King of unified Nepal. He is credited for starting the campaign for a unified Nepal, for Gorkha kingdom expansion. He united all small scattered kingdoms into one and created the modern Nepal through his military prowess, his courage and vision. He succeeded in becoming the most famous and respected king in Nepal, also became to known as the father of modern Nepal. The legendary Gorkhali Sainik (army) was formally established by him. He was the king of people who took much interest in people and their need. People were very fond of him. Pls find more info on him in Wikipedia
伟大的廓尔喀国王普里特维·纳拉扬·沙阿(1723 – 1775 年)是统一尼泊尔的第一个国王。 他因发起统一尼泊尔运动而闻名,旨在扩张廓尔喀王国。 他将所有分散的小王国统一为一个国家,并通过他的军事才能、勇气和远见创建了现代尼泊尔。 他成为尼泊尔最著名和最受尊敬的国王,也被称为现代尼泊尔的奠基人。 他正式组建了传奇的廓尔喀部队。 他是一位关心人民和人民需求的国王。 人民非常爱戴他。 更多信息,请参阅维基百科。