Embraces all that is required to serve and deliver the ultimate satisfaction to any user giving a complete value of money, time and effort..
3 Chirra SPL (Guardian Angel) >> all-rounder khukuri to own
3 Chirra SPL (守护天使) >> 一把多功能的尼泊尔军刀
The inspiration to design >> The ever increasing popularity and demand of the “3 Chirra” version ( 3 x fullers forged in blade) encouraged KHHI into making a similar type but enhanced by modern useful features so a complete and dashing utility knife is achieved, hence the “3 Chirra Special (Guardian Angel)” was born. This kukri knife embraces all that is required to serve and deliver the ultimate satisfaction to any user giving a complete value of money, time and effort. Its an absolute work of art, showmanship of craftsmanship, a piece of machine, a peace of mind and a star of decors. 3 Chirra Special would indeed be the 1st and only choice for buyers who seek for an decisive kukri knife that cuts mercilessly, ensures safety, looks fearsome, is simply functional and most importantly delivers durability and guarantees.
设计灵感 >> “3 Chirra”版本(刀刃上锻造的 3 个全锤)因其日益增长的受欢迎程度和需求,促使 KHHI 制作了一款类似但具备现代实用功能的刀具,从而诞生了“3 Chirra 特别版(守护天使)”。这把廓尔喀弯刀具备了满足任何用户的终极满意度所需的一切,真正实现了物有所值。它是一件绝对的艺术品,展现了精湛的工艺,是一台杰出的机器,带来内心的宁静,也是装饰的明星。 3 Chirra Special 确实是那些寻找一把果断的廓尔喀弯刀的买家的首选,这把刀切割无情,确保安全,外观威猛,功能实用,最重要的是提供耐用性和保障。
Blade of 3 chirra SPL
三个 chirra 的刀片
10.5 inches blade with 3 x fullers makes the knife the ultimate chopper. Good length coverage that can take down a reasonable sized object. Fullers give good support to the blade and to the bevel/edge easing out the tension generated in the edge while striking against hard surface. The fullers also work as an “I Beam” to cut down some unnecessary weight of the blade making the knife easy to use and light to carry. It is also very hard to forge and to make in the wavy format that needs to be done by very skilled craftsman only. The shape of the blade is forged broad for weight within so that it does not shudder while striking.
这把刀的刀片长 10.5 英寸,配有 3 个满刀槽,使其成为终极切割工具。刀片的长度足以处理合理大小的物体。满刀槽为刀片和刀刃提供了良好的支撑,减轻了在硬表面撞击时产生的张力。同时,满刀槽也像“I 梁”一样,减少了刀片的多余重量,使刀具使用起来更加轻便。此外,锻造和制作这种波浪形状的刀片非常困难,只有技艺高超的工匠才能完成。刀片的形状被锻造成宽大,以确保在撞击时不会抖动。
The Handle 把手
A complete new protective cum comfortable handle is fitted in “3 Chirra Special (Guardian Angel)”. The handle is not only strong and durable but also provides much needed protection and firm grip (easy handling) needed for safe use. Its composition is full flat tang secured by epoxy and reinforced by multiple rivets from both sides. Unlike other kukri’s guard, here a “L” shaped guard is used which comes as an extra precautionary measure to ensure that the using hand always stays where it should. This different looking guard also adds uniqueness and lethal look to the kukri. The end portion/style of the handle is also an added feature of the knife where even a larger hand can get very comfortable and painless hold since poking problem like in the traditional handle is completely avoided. The lanyard cord can also be fixed through the see-through hole at the tail of the tang to tie the kukri around the user’s hand.
“3 Chirra Special (守护天使)”配备了全新的保护性和舒适性手柄。这个手柄不仅坚固耐用,还提供了安全使用所需的保护和牢固的握持(易于操作)。它的构造为全平坦刀柄,通过环氧树脂固定,并由两侧的多个铆钉加固。与其他廓尔喀弯刀的护手不同,这里采用了“L”形护手,作为额外的预防措施,确保使用的手始终保持在正确的位置。这个独特的护手设计为廓尔喀弯刀增添了独特性和致命的外观。手柄的末端样式也是刀具的一大亮点,即使是较大的手也能获得非常舒适和无痛的握持,完全避免了传统手柄带来的刺痛问题。 吊带绳还可以通过刀柄尾部的透明孔固定,从而将廓尔喀弯刀绑在用户的手上。
The Sheath 鞘子
Black buffalo hide sheath is made for the kukri knife having a brown leather frog for carriage to suit the wooden handle of the 3 Chirra Special. A shoe lace is also tied at the top of the loop of the frog to tie the handle in order to prevent from wobbling and for easy carriage. White metal rounded tip is fitted in the tip of the sheath for an appealing look.
这款黑色水牛皮刀鞘专为廓尔喀弯刀设计,配有棕色皮革挂件,适合 3 Chirra Special 的木柄。青蛙的环顶端系有鞋带,以固定刀柄,防止摇晃,便于携带。鞘尖端装有白色金属圆头,外观更加吸引人。
Why Guardian Angel kukri >>
In Nepal kukri knife is more than just a mere knife. It has significant religious, cultural and historic values and carries the country’s pride. It is regarded as a protector of the possessor physically and spiritually. There is a belief in Nepal that a kukri knife would scare away demons, evil spirits, enemies and adversaries and always safe guards its owner. With these myths and beliefs going strong as ever it may not be a bad idea for the “3 Chirra Special” to be entitled as “Guardian Angel” for the very reason mentioned above to possibly play a role in encouraging and stabilizing the mind and mission of the carrier at all times.
在尼泊尔,廓尔喀弯刀不仅仅是一把普通的刀具。它承载着重要的宗教、文化和历史价值,象征着国家的骄傲。人们认为它是持有者身体和精神的保护者。尼泊尔人相信,廓尔喀弯刀能够驱赶恶魔、邪灵、敌人和对手,始终保护其主人。基于这些根深蒂固的信仰,将“3 Chirra Special”称为“守护天使”或许是个不错的主意,这样可以在任何时候鼓励和稳定携带者的心态与使命。
Size of Blade: 10.5 inches / 26.70 cm approx.
刀片尺寸:约 10.5 英寸(26.70 厘米)。
Size of Handle: 5 inches / 12.70 cm approx.
手柄尺寸:约 5 英寸(12.70 厘米)。
Thickness: 9.5 mm 厚度为 9.5 毫米
Net weight (Blade + Handle): 850 gms approx.
刀片和手柄的净重约为 850 克。
Materials / Features: Water buffalo hide scabbard, Indian rosewood riveted full flat tang comfortable handle having lanyard hole, “L” shaped hand protection guard, White metal chape, Brown leather frog, Shoe lace
材料 / 特点:水牛皮鞘,铆钉的印度紫檀全平坦柄舒适手柄,带挂绳孔的“L”形手保护护手,白色金属护头,棕色皮革挂带,鞋带
Origin: KHHI, Kathmandu, Nepal
来源:尼泊尔加德满都 KHHI