Built as a basic and necessary survival cutting tool for out in the jungle and its harshness..Chitlange Kukri is a special traditional Nepali khukuri..
作为丛林及其恶劣环境下的基本必要生存切割工具而打造,Chitlange Kukri 是一种特殊的尼泊尔传统弯刀。
Chitlange the Savior to ‘SAVE n’ SUSTAIN’ … a hollow grind full tang kukri
切特兰吉救世主“拯救并维持’ … 一个中空的磨损 全切刀
History, Name and use of Chitlange Kukri
奇特琅弯刀的历史、名称和用途: 奇特琅弯刀是一种起源于尼泊尔的一种弯曲刀具。它通常与廓尔喀士兵有关,他们因其在战斗中的技能而闻名。奇特琅弯刀的刀片通常为 22-28 英寸长,并且有一个向内弯曲的形状。它由高碳钢制成,使其坚固耐用。奇特琅弯刀是一种多功能工具,可用于战斗、狩猎和日常任务
The name says it all; the knife belongs to the famous and beautiful “Chitlange” family and is built as a basic and necessary survival cutting tool for out in the jungle and its harshness. This 15” long bladed khukuri that offers maximum coverage (single clean stroke) supported by a very special and strong handle the “Panawal” (full flat tang with rivets) version, is the khukuri to be with in a situation where the nature displays her rage over mankind and when the wilderness reveals its reality. The only desire to survive and sustain when lost and lonely out in the wild is served by the “Chitlange the Savior” since it can aid the necessary survival activities needed to survive and adopt exceptionally well.
从名字就能看出来,这把刀属于著名的“奇特朗”家族,它被打造为一种基本的和必要的生存切割工具,用于在丛林中对抗恶劣环境。这款 15 英寸长的 khukuri 刀片提供了最大的覆盖范围(单次干净的切割),并配有一个非常特别和坚固的“Panawal”(全平齐柄,带铆钉)版本的手柄。当大自然对人类展现其愤怒,而荒野揭示其真实面目时, 它将成为你在恶劣环境中的最佳伴侣。当你迷失在野外并感到孤独时,唯一的生存和维持的愿望就是由“救世主奇特朗”来满足,因为它可以帮助进行必要的生存活动,以生存和适应,表现得非常出色。
This is the newer, nicer and better version of the Chainpure khukuri and in fact of all the “Chitlanges”. The shape/design of the knife is made like that of the Chainpure, however with improved and superior execution. The forging of the blade with large bevel from the tip all the way down to the notch makes the kukri very special and rare, as this is a difficult process of crafting even for the skilled craftsman costing him more effort and time. The large elongated bevel is forged to withstand the hardest blow, deliver severe impact and to make cutting much easier and more effective. The bulky bevel also works as an “I Beam” system where it observes the impact and gives less tension to the blade and also cuts down unnecessary weight of the blade.
这把 Chainpure khukuri 是比其他 “Chitlanges” 更新、更好、更棒的版本。虽然它刀的形状/设计类似于 Chainpure,但得到了改进和提升。 从刀尖一直到豁口的大倒角锻造使这款廓尔喀弯刀非常特别和稀有,因为即使对于熟练的工匠来说,这也是一个很精细的制作过程,需要付出更多时间和精力。 大而细长的倒角经过锻造,可以承受最猛烈的打击,提供强大的冲击力,同时使切割更加轻松、高效。 厚重的倒角还充当一个“工”字梁系统,在承受冲击时,可以减少刀片的张力并降低刀片的重量。
The handle is also adequately made for easier grip. The contour of the wooden handle is such that the best possible grip is offered by it. Its shape extends wider as it finishes towards the butt cap to facilitate an easy and effective grip.
The full flat tang of the blade goes all the way through the unique handle which is secured by rivets on both sides and further fixed by steel pommel. The flat tang can also been seen on the sides of the handle. Special attention and effort is given into the making of the handle to achieve maximum enduring strength and solid durability.
The buffalo leather case (scabbard) is given the newer and nicer touch too. The front body (Panel) of the scabbard is triangular which is the signature of a Chitlange khukuri. The hole in the ricasso, just above the nozzle of the blade is also the trademark of the khukuri. It signifies the footmark of a cow that is believed to be holy in Nepal. The metallic tip fixed in the scabbard gives protection and prettiness to the overall look of the knife.
水牛皮刀鞘手感更加舒适。刀鞘的前部面板是三角形的,这是 Chitlange khukuri 的标志性特征。刀鞘上部靠近刀刃喷嘴的孔也是 khukuri 的标志,代表了在尼泊尔被认为是神圣的牛的脚印。固定在刀鞘上的金属尖端为刀的整体外观提供了保护和美观。
15″ bladed Chitlange the Savior is a lethal all rounder; a combo of ATTACKING + DEFENDING weapon.
救世者-奇特朗是一把 15 英寸刃长的致命全能武器, 攻击和防御性能完美结合。
Overall Length: 21 inches (15 inch blade + 6 inch handle) approx.
总长度:约 53 厘米(刀刃约 38 厘米 + 手柄约 15 厘米)
Materials / Features: 材料/功能:
- Special water buffalo leather scabbard,
特殊水牛皮革刀鞘, - Large effectual bevel polished blade,
大型高效斜面抛光刀片 - Hollow grinded panel for right weight and feel,
空心研磨面板,以减轻重量并带来舒适的手感 - Indian rosewood full flat tang riveted handle,
印度紫檀木一体平直刀柄铆接手柄, - Double pattern in blade and Cross pattern in fixture and handle,
刀身采用双重花纹,护手和夹具采用交叉花纹。 - 2 x special small knives
2 把特殊的小刀