Khukuri issued to the jawans of Nepalese Police Force..
Nepal Police and its official (standard issue) Khukuri
Kukri being the national knife of Nepal is issued to all Nepalese Security Forces. The Nepalese national security forces famously known as “Nepal Police” also get khukuri in recruitment. Prior to 1864 AD the Police institution dates back to the ancient times as does the history and language of Nepal. During the “Rana” Regime (1864-1951 AD) the Police Organization was conceived and gradual progression took place towards systemizing and modernizing policing. During the period 1951 till 1990 different major developments took place in the national police department particularly after the down fall of the Rana regime. The Police Head Quarters was established in 1952 in Kathmandu, Mr. Toran Shamsher J.B.Rana became the first Inspector General of Police, the Police Act came into effect in 1956, the Police Regulation came into effect in 1959, the establishment of the Central Police Training Centre came in 1963, Police personnel started getting deployed in UN Mission from 1991 and other central developments took place. Nepal police like any other police force in a country is primarily assigned and designed for public security, safety, safe-guarding, prosecuting, rescuing and other various policing activities executed competently with dignity, pride, courage.
廓尔喀军刀是尼泊尔的国刀,发给所有尼泊尔安全部队。尼泊尔国家安全部队俗称“尼泊尔警察”,在招募时也配有廓尔喀军刀。警察机构的历史可以追溯到古代,与尼泊尔的历史和语言一样,早于公元 1864 年。“ राणा”政权(公元 1864-1951 年)期间,构想并逐步发展了警察组织,使其系统化和现代化。1951 年至 1990 年期间,国家警察部门发生了重大的变化,特别是在 राणा政权垮台之后。1952 年在加德满都建立了警察总部,由托兰·萨姆谢尔·JB 领导。拉纳成为尼泊尔首位警察总监。1956 年,尼泊尔警察法生效;1959 年,尼泊尔警察条例生效;1963 年,中央警察培训中心成立。自 1991 年起,尼泊尔警察人员开始参与联合国维和特派团的部署。尼泊尔警察和其他国家的警察部队一样,主要负责维护公共安全、保障社会安全、防止犯罪、侦查犯罪、逮捕犯罪嫌疑人、起诉犯罪嫌疑人、开展搜救行动和其他各种警务活动。尼泊尔警察以尊严、自豪和勇气执行这些任务。
Currently the head of the Nepal Police is IGP Mr. Dhiraj Pratap Singh (29th IGP since 2nd May 2022) by the decision of the Council of Ministers of the Government of Nepal.
‘根据尼泊尔政府部长会议的决定,现任尼泊尔警察局长是迪拉杰·普拉塔普·辛格先生(自 2022 年 5 月 2 日起担任第 29 任总警监)。’
Nepal Police Khukuri at Khukuri House (KHHI)
尼泊尔警察在廓尔喀弯刀之家 (KHHI) 出售的廓尔喀弯刀
Young Jawans of Nepal Police are issued with a special type of khukuri that would serve them throughout their policing career. The security force has a particular type of khukuri slightly different than the army version. The blade is heavier, more curved and rosewood handle is preferred instead of horn like in the army ones. This kukri knife is retained throughout the subordinate-class career and regularly inspected by senior officers. It is a prize collection and also a reminder to the jawan of his loyal and long service to the country and it’s people after retirement. It is one of the famous knives because of its close association with the force.
Nepal Police khukuri can also be used as a domestic and jungle utility knife. Since the knife comes with a good hacking weight the kukri becomes very effective and efficient for undertaking any cutting activities. The broader wooden handle gives easy and comfortable handling.
Size of blade: 9 inch approx.
刀片尺寸约为 9 英寸。
Materials: Water buffalo leather scabbard, rosewood handle, 2 x small knives
Origin: KHHI, Kathmandu, Nepal
来源:加德满都,尼泊尔 KHHI 军工厂