Chinautee is actually the exaggerated version of Nepalese word “Chinaunu”, which means to cut clean, a clear cut.”
Chinautee Kukri; a traditional knife made/used in Remote Villages of Nepal
“Chinautee”, as named by KHHI is a typical raw khukuri from the remote villages of Nepal crafted by KHHI to honor these people and to recognize the hard work they do to survive.
“Chinautee”,顾名思义,是一款源自尼泊尔乡村民间的手工打造的典型生坯廓尔喀弯刀。KHHI 通过这款廓尔喀弯刀向这些村民致敬,认可他们为生存所付出的艰辛努力。
The name Chinautee is actually the exaggerated version of Nepalese word “Chinaunu”, which means to cut clean, a clear cut. Since the khukuri is designed to do just that it is named so.
A typical village knife made in the remote villages of the hilly regions of Nepal. Craftsman from these villages forge khukuri knives with their bare hand and a few set of very conventional tools to perform their daily domestic and cutting activities. Villagers live so remote that they are completely cut off from the modern world and civilization. They go about their lives by cultivating, farming, animal-rearing and other laborious activities etc; carrying out a typical harsh farmer’s life. A khukuri, thus, plays an important role in the lives of these people as most of their lives are occupied/ spent in woods and jungle.
The Chinautee thus serves as both; a cutting tool to clear and collect and also a weapon to defend and defy. A village kukri knife made for easy and smooth cutting outdoor and indoor.
中脑刀既可作为切割、收集的工具,也可作为防御和反抗的武器,因此可称为中脑刀。 一个村庄的廓尔喀弯刀是为了在户外和室内轻松顺畅地切割而制造的。
The shape of the khukuri is the interesting and important part. It differs from the regular khukuri shape. The widest part of the blade is forged very close to the tip. The outgoing bevel/edge takes a sharp inbound turn to meet the tip of the blade. The shape thus has the ability to auto generate a certain weight and a driving force when swung, and hence making cutting easier lessening effort and time. Since it is a typical knife, both handle and blade are not polished/ shined. The unpolished handle also offers better and stronger grip. Additionally, the lower section of the handle is slight curved/ bent for comfortable and compact hold. The scabbard is also rough, not polished to go with the rough features of the knife.
Overall Length: 17 inches ( 12 inches Blade + 5 inch Handle) approx.
总长度大约为 17 英寸(12 英寸刀片 + 5 英寸手柄)。
Material: 5160 steel, Water buffalo leather scabbard, unpolished Rosewood slightly curved handle
材料:5160 钢,水牛皮刀鞘,未抛光红木手柄(略弯曲)
Origin: KHHI, Kathmandu, Nepal