when it comes to being professional, there will be no second chance – the only official, durable, reliable kukri with no second choice…
the Service Panawal (Pro) with Power Hammer handle
使用 Power Hammer 手柄的专业级 Service Panawal
customized version of the Gurkha Service Kukri with an exclusive power hammer in panawal handle type; forged for the professionals
廓尔喀服务弯刀的定制版本,配备 Panawal 手柄的专属动力锤,专为专业人士打造
As always we take pride in creating or customizing the kukri to give our buyers the best possible functional version of what they need. Following the same, here we have modified the Official Gurkha Service Kukri adding the power hammer in the pommel of the panawal handle. This kukri is targeted for rough use for the professionals hence the nicknamed PRO.
我们一直都以打造或定制最符合买家需求的廓尔喀弯刀为荣。同样的,我们在这里对官方廓尔喀廓尔喀刀进行了改装,在盘柄的 pommel 中添加了动力锤。这款廓尔喀刀是针对专业人士的粗略使用而设计的,因此取名为 “PRO”。
The blade shape and size is exactly the same as the officially issued service kukri of the Gurkhas. No changes have been made. The blade is unpolished, Semi convex grinded on the edge.
The handle as explained above has a full flat tang (panawal), tapered towards the pommel to balance the weight of the khukuri. The two rivets joins and makes the handle more stronger. Traditional butt cap) chapri is replaced by the power hammer which is the major feature attraction and feature of this kukri.
如上所述,手柄为全平柄 (panawal),向柄头方向逐渐变细,以平衡廓尔喀弯刀的重量。两个铆钉连接在一起,使手柄更加坚固。传统的尻盖 (chapri) 被动力锤代替,这是这款弯刀的主要特色和特点。
here we have changed the handle material to Micarta to make sure the handle doesn’t shrink over time, as the horn does.
The sheath is a typical style kukri sheath with NO karda chakmak included. This is done intentionally to reduce the weight as the power hammer increases the overall weight of the kukri. Strap button is attached to the belt loop for additional safety to avoid the wobbling of the blade which sometimes drops out the blade from the sheath as well.
军刀刀鞘是廓尔喀弯刀的典型款式,不包含 karda chakmak。这样做是为了减轻重量,因为动力锤会增加军刀的整体重量。腰带上添加了皮带扣,以确保额外的安全性,防止刀鞘晃动,从而避免刀有时会从刀鞘中掉落出来。
Use and Feel:: 使用和感受::
The kukri is on the little heavier side due to the power hammer in the handle. This makes the kukri a power pack performer as you don’t have to worry about the rat tail tang and the fixtures that becomes loose chopping after hard materials for a long time.
The heavy panawal power hammer handle puts the impact in the back of the blade which make the hard cutting/chopping task more easier as it applies proper force on the belly almost along the peak of the blade.
重型 panawal 动力锤手柄将冲击力传导到刀片的背部,这使得硬切割/劈砍任务更加容易,因为它几乎沿着刀刃的峰值在腹部施加了适当的力。
Hence, the kukri is made for free rough use, more for professional tasks rather than just showing off tasks.
Built for the PROfessionals , the power pack kukri with power hammer handle …..