a tribute to the legendary soldier and his beloved knife, reproduction of the original war kukri; GI3 is the KHHI’s version of MK2 (Military Kukri 2)..
向传奇士兵及其心爱的刀致敬,重现了原版战争廓尔喀刀;GI3 是 KHHI 的 MK2(军事廓尔喀刀 2)的版本。
GI3 (Gurkha Issue 3rd) / world war military kukri 2 (MK2)
“廓尔喀第三代 / 二战军用廓尔喀 2 号(MK2)”
An exclusive and excellent kukri by KHHI, a true legendary and historic world war (WW) knife that carved the history by its decisive (key) swing. It is with its power and employ that the Gurkhas *(British Indian Gorkha back then) earned a fearsome and respectful reputation as the most formidable soldiers on Earth.
尼泊尔皇家廓尔喀步枪团 (KHHI) 出品的一把独一无二、精良绝伦的廓尔喀弯刀,这把极具传奇色彩、历史悠久的二战用刀,凭借其关键的挥砍在历史上留下了浓墨重彩的一笔。正因为它的威力和应用,廓尔喀士兵(当时的大英印度廓尔喀士兵)赢得了声名赫赫,令人敬畏的声誉,成为地球上最强大的士兵。
GI3, a Gurkha Issue kukri, is one of the many standard service issue of post WW1 and particularly of WW2 (2ND WORLD WAR 1944-45). The name GI3 is given so because of KHHI’s deep research on Military Kukris point to the fact that this kukri knife most probably falls in the 3rd number of the series of Gurkha kukri issued to British Indian Gorkhas back then. Officially starting and counting from 1857 after the Great Indian Mutiny (Delhi Siege) where the Gurkhas earned high respect and recognition from their British counterparts. It is our belief that GI3 arguably falls in 3rd serial number as the official service issue to the Gurkhas by the British authority. Here we can say that GI3 kukri is the KHHI’s version of MK2 (Military Kukri 2) which is already quite popular amongst buyers and collectors. GI3 kukri as a repro version but slightly changed (improved) to comply with the modern times and need.
GI3 廓尔喀军刀是一款廓尔喀军刀,是第一次世界大战后,尤其是第二次世界大战(1944-45 年)的许多标准军用刀具之一。GI3 这个名字的由来是因为 KHHI 对军用廓尔喀弯刀的深入研究表明,这把廓尔喀弯刀很可能属于英国印度廓尔喀士兵在第一次世界大战后装备的廓尔喀弯刀系列中的第三把。正式开始和计数是从 1857 年印度大兵变(德里围城战)之后,廓尔喀士兵赢得了他们的英国同行的高度尊重和认可。我们相信,GI3 作为英国当局对廓尔喀士兵的官方武器装备,可以说是第三个序列号。 可以说,GI3 廓尔喀弯刀是 KHHI 对 MK2(军用廓尔喀弯刀 2)的复刻版本。MK2 已经很受买家和收藏家的欢迎。GI3 廓尔喀弯刀作为复刻版本,经过了一些改变(改进),以符合现代的需求。
GI3 was in good production and already issued to the soldiers by 1915 (pre and during WW1). This continued until at least 1944-45 making it as the largest military issue kukri ever used (produced) by Gurkhas. This large quantity because the strength of soldiers were significantly increased, sometimes 4-5000 heads per enlistment, for imminent war objectives and threats. This standard service kukri was initially manufactured by many local companies and individuals in India like the DHW, RGB, E Boota & Sons. Later, pre and during WW2, well known companies like ATD (Army Traders Dahradun), MIL, Pioneer Calcutta, Queera Bros and others produced in massive scale to keep up with the military demands. (Please be notified that all these name of companies have been taken from the engravings or stampings found in the original MK2s). Most GI3s would have stampings like the name of the manufacturer or inspector, manufacturing or inspection date, company/regiment initials etc and an arrow mark pointing up to symbolize official or authorized issue. Many variants of GI3 kukri were seen like the M43 in its hay days. This is probably due to involvement of many companies, makers and suppliers rushing the production to meet the high demand.
“‘GI3’ 性能优良,在 1915 年(第一次世界大战前后)就开始装备军队,一直延续至 1944-45 年,成为廓尔喀士兵使用的规模最大的制式军刀。士兵数量急剧增加,有时每次征召人数高达 4-5000 人,以应对迫在眉睫的战争目标和威胁,进而导致了这款军刀的巨大需求。这款标准军刀最初由印度的许多当地公司和个人生产,例如 DHW、RGB 和 E Boota & Sons。后来,在二战前后,ATD(陆军贸易商德拉顿)、MIL、Pioneer Calcutta 和 Queera Bros 等知名公司也大规模生产,以满足军队的需求。” (请注意,所有这些公司名称均来自 MK2 原件上的雕刻或印记。大多数 GI3 都具有一些印记,例如制造商或检验员的名称、制造或检验日期、公司/团的缩写以及一个向上指的箭头标记,代表官方或授权颁发。在 M43 的鼎盛时期,人们看到了许多 GI3 廓尔喀弯刀的变体。这可能是由于许多公司、制造商和供应商参与生产以满足高需求。)
GI3 or MK2 Kukri Profile >>
GI3 或 MK2 廓尔喀弯刀轮廓
BLADE >>The unpolished blade is 13 inch long with deep belly and broad main body, curved shaped with almost flat shoulder (Peak). It has a typical re-curve shape of a kukri from the history however handle is significantly modified from its ancient siblings.
未经抛光的刀刃长 13 英寸,腹部深,主体宽,弯曲成型,肩部(峰部)几乎平坦。它具有廓尔喀弯刀历史上典型的反曲形状,但其手柄与其古代同类相比进行了显著的修改。
识别手柄 >> 一种独特的手柄,其柄片扁平,贯穿整个手柄并用两侧的两个铆钉固定。这种手柄被称为“Panawal”版本。它与起源于尼泊尔的传统廓尔喀弯刀相比,有着相当大的不同。木质手柄在接近尾部时也会向下弯曲。钢制固定装置用于增强装配过程。手柄及其固定装置与刀片(未抛光)不同,经过抛光处理。两个大型铆钉用于固定手柄上的配重块。
SCABBARD >> GI3 has a regular leather case in military style with a protective steel chape. The interior wooden box is flat and wrapped by black colored water buffalo hide. The leather frog has twin belt loops at the back for the belt to go through and a fasten-up leather string to tie the two ends of the frog. Two small regular knives are discarded.
GI3 拥有一个军用风格的标准皮制刀鞘,带有保护性钢制护口。内部木盒为扁平设计,并包裹着黑色水牛皮。皮革刀鞘背面有两个皮带环,方便皮带穿过,还有一根皮绳用于绑紧刀鞘的两端。两把普通的小刀已不再使用。
GI3, a superb hardcore army knife, a historic service kukri from the WW era, is also a very useful and peaceful cutting/utility knife. It can be used for any activities, minor or major, that involves cutting and slicing, be it inside or outside the domestic parameters. Nevertheless since the knife carries so much history and honor KHHI highly recommends this master piece for collection or decoration as a remarkable and a commemorative historic symbol.
GI3,这是一把超级硬核的军用刀,也是一把二战时期的廓尔喀刀。它非常实用,无论是切割还是切片,都可以用于任何需要切割和切片的小型或大型活动,无论是在家庭内部还是外部。然而,由于这把刀承载着如此多的历史和荣誉,KHHI 强烈推荐将这件杰作作为非凡的历史象征进行收藏或装饰。
*Gurkha before the India independence were called “GORKHA”
Materials / Features: Water buffalo leather scabbard, full flat tang riveted curved wooden handle, twin belt loops frog
材料/特点: 水牛皮刀鞘, 全平直柄铆接弯曲木柄, 双腰带环扣
ORIGIN: KHHI, Kathmandu, Nepal (released on 1st Jan 2009)
来源:尼泊尔加德满都 KHHI(于 2009 年 1 月 1 日发布)