It is this modern day kukri that stupendously distinct a Gurkha from others and has become an integral part of a Gurkha’s official uniform; worn by Gurkha soldiers on parade and on duty…
British Gurkhas Service No.1 Ceremonial Khukuri (Dress Knife)
英国廓尔喀士兵 1 号礼仪弯刀(礼服刀)
A soldier retains his “Service Ceremonial” throughout his army career (Other ranks) as a soldier and is a prize possession after retirement.
Service Ceremonial or Dress knife or also known as “No.1 Khukuri” is a standard issue khukuri wore by soldiers on parade and on duty. It is this modern day kukri that stupendously distinct a Gurkha from others and has become an integral part of a Gurkha’s official uniform. It is still currently issued each year to the Gurkhas in the same template however with some minute changes in the shape and style of the khukuri as approved by the panel of selectors.
礼服刀或礼仪刀,也称为“1 号廓尔喀刀”,是士兵在阅兵和值勤时佩戴的标准军刀。正是这把现代廓尔喀刀,极大地将廓尔喀士兵与其他士兵区分开来,并已成为廓尔喀士兵军服不可或缺的一部分。目前,每年仍向廓尔喀士兵发放同款廓尔喀刀,但廓尔喀刀的形状和款式已根据评审小组的批准进行了一些微调。
formation and background of the knife
After the formation of 1st Gurkha unit back in 1815-1816 and getting official recognition from the British in 1857 after the “Great Indian Mutiny” many Gurkha knives have been issued to Gurkhas amongst which “Service Ceremonial” is the latest version till date which was actually issued very late that is only in around early 1990’s. The need for a better looking kukri knife (especially the scabbard), to bring more tidiness (uniform) and probably to ease the work load of the carrier may have obliged the supply of this kukri to the recruits by the army. Soldiers were found polishing the standard issue (Sarkhari Khukuris; GI5 and Service No.1) and sometime even changing the original buffalo hide scabbard to patent leather on their own to meet the demand of army to maintaining discipline (shininess), and which tradition continued till early 1990’s. It is therefore only with the initiative of TB BK of KHHI and a few set of dedicated and knowledgeable Gurkha officers the “Service Ceremonial” was finally realized and started its issue from 1993. Service Ceremonial’s inbuilt very shiny patent leather case and mirror polished blade brought the much needed neatness to the kukri and blended with the uniform exceptionally well. This feature also saved time and labor of a soldier of “Shining the khukuri” that had to be done in the past by earlier soldiers. Khukuri veteran and master craftsman TB BK who started supplying khukuri to British Gurkhas since 1989 knew the importance and necessities of the Service Ceremonial and thus started the campaign of the khukuri which was finally approved and became an official issued from 1993.
廓爾喀部隊於 1815-1816 年成立,並在 1857 年「印度大兵變」後獲得英國官方承認。自此,廓爾喀士兵配備了許多廓爾喀彎刀,而「禮儀刀」是迄今為止的最新版本,該版本實際上是在 1990 年代初期才開始配備。由於需要更美觀(尤其是刀鞘)的彎刀,以提高整潔度(制服)並可能減輕攜帶者的負擔,軍隊可能向新兵提供了這種廓爾喀彎刀。士兵被發現正在擦亮標準配備(Sarkhari Khukuris;GI5 和 Service No.“1)有时甚至会根据军队的需求(闪亮)将原始水牛皮刀鞘自行改造成漆皮,以维护纪律(闪亮),这种传统一直延续到 1990 年代初期。因此,只有在 KHHI 的 TB BK 和一些敬业且知识渊博的廓尔喀军官的倡议下,“礼仪服务”才最终得以实现,并于 1993 年开始发行。礼仪服务的内置超亮漆皮盒和镜面抛光刀片为廓尔喀弯刀带来了急需的整洁感,并与制服完美融合。此功能还节省了士兵“擦亮廓尔喀弯刀”的时间和精力,过去的老兵必须这样做。” 廓尔喀弯刀老兵和大师工匠 TB BK 自 1989 年开始向英国廓尔喀人供应廓尔喀弯刀。他知道服役仪式的意义和必要性,因此发起了廓尔喀弯刀的活动。该活动最终获得批准,并于 1993 年成为官方颁发的仪式。
Making and the purpose 制造和目的
Service Ceremonial has “Nepal” and “Recruitment Date” stamped in the blade to denote the origin and year of recruitment of a soldier.
The overall look of the khukuri is very shinny, from blade to handle to scabbard to the two small accompanying knives, which chiefly enforced selectors to pick this knife as the “No.1 Issue Kukri” to new soldiers. The scabbard is made from high quality extra shiny pattern leather to furnish intense shininess and smartness to the uniform and the carrier himself in whole.
廓尔喀弯刀的整体外观闪闪发光,从刀刃到刀柄到刀鞘,再到两把配套的小刀,这些刀主要让选择者将其作为新兵的“1 号廓尔喀弯刀”。刀鞘采用优质超亮图案皮革制成,为制服和佩戴者增添强烈的光泽和美观。
Gurkhas also carry this khukuri on events like “Ceremonial Kukri Drill” and on special army occasions attended by high-ranking military officers, VIP dignitaries, honorable guests etc. During the presentation they withdraw the khukuri from scabbard and hold it out for the guest to inspect.
Service Ceremonial has a simple basic khukuri blade with brass fixtures. It has Buffalo Horn handle fitted to go with the boots and belt of a carrying soldier. The 10” long blade is highly polished to go with the shinny patent leather scabbard. A rat tail tang goes through the handle (hidden) which is peened over at the brass pommel (butt cap). A protective brass chape (tip) is also fitted in the scabbard for support and good look. Twin belt-loop frog with brass bottoms at the back as seen in the picture is fitted in the scabbard for the large standard issue belt to go through.
军礼 khukuri 有一把简单朴实的 khukuri 刀片,配有黄铜配件。它有水牛角手柄,可与携带士兵的靴子和皮带搭配。10 英寸长的刀片经过高度抛光,与闪亮的漆皮刀鞘相得益彰。一个鼠尾榫穿过手柄(隐藏),并在黄铜柄头(尾帽)处进行铆接。刀鞘还装有保护性黄铜护套(尖端),以提供支撑和美观。如图片所示,刀鞘背面带有黄铜底部的双皮带环蛙,可供大型标准腰带穿过。
Two accompanying knives “Karda (Small Knife)” and “Chakmak (Sharpener)” are also highly polished.
两把配套的刀“卡达 (小型刀)” 和 “恰马克 (磨刀石)” 也被高度抛光。
Service Ceremonial is mainly a decorative kukri to honor the most formidable soldiers, a collectible item of the legendary Gurkhas and an iconic souvenir with historic significance and country’s pride to take back home as a memento to pay one’s respect and tribute to the Gurkhas, or even as gift for loved ones from Nepal that no other things could compete or surpass.
“ 庆典仪式 ”主要是一把装饰性廓尔喀弯刀,用于表彰最勇猛的士兵。作为传奇廓尔喀弯刀的收藏品,它极具收藏价值,也是一件具有历史意义和国家自豪感的标志性纪念品。您可以将其带回家作为纪念品,以表达您对廓尔喀人的敬意和赞赏,甚至作为来自尼泊尔的礼物赠送给您所爱的人。没有什么其他物品能与之媲美或超越它。
Overall length: 16 inches
总长度:16 英寸
Blade length: 10.5 inch approx.
刀刃长度:约 26.7 厘米。
Materials: Patent leather scabbard, water buffalo horn handle, 2 x small knives
材質:漆皮刀鞘,水牛角手柄,2 个小型刀具